Saturday, January 11, 2014

Free Form Basket Weaving

On Wednesday January 8th I met with a group of women to play with basket weaving, but not the structured type.

After a brief introduction to the technique we all choose a material to work with.  It was fun, but it reminded me why I had never been able to conquer weaving in the distant past. I created a small free form basket and am pleased with it.

It has a few loose ends which I will eventually correct by soaking it and hiding them or perhaps make them a design element  by curling them. 

Below is a small 16 x 16 inch art quilt I made many years ago in which the hearts were made by weaving strips of fabric.  I never used this technique in any of my subsequent work.

I think that it is safe to say that while I had fun making both of these items 12 years apart, weaving is not really in my past and I assure you not in my future.

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